Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Quick painting update!

Really quick!  Lawyer done!

I am the law!  Says so right here.

That's all for now.

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Almost the end of December...ALMOST!

The end of the year is upon us, and with it, the end of month 3 of TOMB3.

So far this month, I've put more paint on Lucius and his Lawyer friend, started the Puke Snake  Primordial Magic and an Illuminated (who will be subtracted from my remaining total in an upcoming post), and finished the Scion of Black Blood.  I've also done some assembly for models to be painted in January for the TOMB3.

I've also played a few games with Lucius, and haven't figured him out yet.  I'm not losing by a lot, but I definitely need more practice.  In general, I need to play more.  Which leads to....

I've signed up to play in a Shifting Loyalties league, a format that doesn't seem like it'll suit my Lucius crew well.  I'm considering playing a Brilliance-heavy crew (The Honey Pot Expansion Expedition), led by the Hungering Darkness itself.  Math to be done, and I'm contemplating attempting to paint the crew as I go.  A second painting project that will likely have some crossover with the TOMB!  Woot!

Most importantly, I'm done with work for the year,  I plan to paint a bit tonight, and likely more tomorrow and the next day.  That's why this is an almost-end-of-the-month-post;  because the month ain't over yet!

I'll post an end-of-month TOMB3 update in the next day or two, after I'm done painting for the year.  Not just the TOMB3 stuff, but a full update.  With pictures probably.  I'm kinda proud at the amount of painting I've gotten done this year.  Waaay more than previous years.  Will I keep it up, and carry it forward?  You bet!

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

#TOMB3 Painting continues - Scion of Black Blood

He's here to remove all of your horrible conditions, and has a shotgun to boot!

He's the Scion of Black Blood!

Super body building action!

Closer up!
He'll cost me $8.25, like all the models from the 2 Player Starter, which leaves me with $35.25.  I'll subtract $11 from that, and start working on my Primordial Magic.  He's been good with Lucius, and is pretty much awesome as a generic totem.  Puke Snake!

Remaining funds:  $24.25

Status as of December 15:
Bloodwretch 1:  Painted!
Bloodwretch 2:  Painted!
Scion of Black Blood:  Painted!
Not Finished:
Lucius:  Partially painted.
Scribe:  Unsure if I intent to use him or not.
Guild Guard 1:  Partially painted.
Guild Guard 2:  Partially painted.
Lawyer 1: Partially painted.
Lawyer 2:  Not planning to use, no intention to paint unless all other minis for the TOMB3 are done.
Dashel:  Reconsidering use after good times at tournament.  More games to decide.

#TOMB3 - Tournament Report - Lucius vs the world!

I played in a tournament at Paladin Games in Avalon Park, FL on Saturday.  It was a small turnout (3 players), as many holiday season tournaments are, but we played anyways, and everyone got to play each other.  I forgot to take pictures or notes, so here are the outcomes, including my take-aways.

Round 1 vs Guild:  I tried a list containing a large number of minions (4 Corrupted Hounds, 2 Changelings, 2 Terror Tots) along with the Doppelganger, Widow Weaver, Primordial Magic and Lucius.  Opponent played Sonnia, Francisco, Sam Hopkins, 2 Austringers, Friekorps Specialists, Eternal Flame.  I ended up losing 5-8.  It felt close, but it really wasn't as I basically had no shot at getting Take Prisoner.

Lessons from the game:  1. Do not try to Take Prisoner on an Austringer.  I wasn't aware of their push action, and it cost me 3 points and the, well, draw.  2. You need a beater.  I spent 2 turns with 3 models attacking Sonnia (2 Changelings and a Tot) and got her to 11 wounds before she sworded her way back to 7 wounds.  If I had something a bit harder hitting, she'd have been out of there and I'd have had a bit of breathing room.  I also had 3 turns of hounds surrounding Francisco, unable to finish him off.  Same problem.  Needed a harder hitter.  3.  Holy crap does Lucius really need a Lawyer.  I had 3 failed Horror duels in one turn (yes, I should have stopped using the ability...I see that now), which resulted in 2 turns of Francisco whacking dogs unanswered.  Bad player, could have saved it with a some Law.

Round 2 vs Arcanists.  I played Lucius, Dashel, 2 Guard Riflemen, Lawyer, Beckoner, Tuco and 3 Corrupted Hounds against Ramos, Howard, Joss, Brass Arachnid and some spiders.  I got swarmed hard.  I killed Howard but lost Dashel shortly thereafter, and just could keep my shooters clear long enough.  The game ended with probably 6 more spiders having been made throughout the game.  Lucius managed to survive the game, and cost my opponent an unrevealed ALitS by stealing one of his four scheme markers on the center line.  This kept the game as a 6-5 loss for me.  Had I been able to keep a Squat marker one more turn, it would have been a tie.

Lessons from this game:  1.  Don't use 3 crap guys to hold a flank.  Joss tore through my Corrupted Hounds without any trouble, and held down an entire side of the board.  2.  Don't pick a 7 point model for Frame for Murder and get it killed early.  Pick a crappy model and throw it at a henchman.  I got Tuco killed on turn 2 after being obnoxious with the shotgun while standing near Howard.  Also, Howard is not a henchman.  I should have gone after Joss :)  3.  Don't set up a firebase on a flank.  It should be more central, and able to reach out and touch most of the objective points.

That said, I really enjoyed this game.  I got some good synergy rolling, had some killing power, and got to shout "Objection!" far more than any game should allow.  It was fun and light-hearted, as we were both out of the running for first, but holy crap spider summoning!  I couldn't keep them off the table!

The day, as a whole, was good. Played a pair of good games against factions I don't usually see at the home shop, and played them both with Lucius.  This brings my games played with him up to...3.  I need to play more.

As for the TOMB3, I'll post again soon.  I've got some painting to do, to catch up, but I'm feeling the painting bug getting ready to bite over the holidays!

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Tale of Malifaux Bloggers 3 - Month 3 begins!

December, the bone-chillingly frigid month of snows and...yeah, I live in Florida, it's still 80 degrees out most days.  Christmas lights on palm trees, building a sand-man, etc.

More importantly, this is now month 3 of TOMB3.  I'm behind, as is often the case, but not out yet.  I've got paint on models, and I'm ready to add more paint to those who are not yet finished.  I'm planning to get some assembly and/or painting done in the next few days, I'll post before-and-after pictures if I make any serious progress.  Of course, I've got another $25 to spend on models for this month, which when added to last month's remainder, gives a total of $43.50 to spend.

I'm thinking of picking up a pair of Guild Riflemen, as well as maybe some swampfiends (Spawn Mother and Gupps).  Still considering what to purchase, and trying to get some paint on the models I have for the Tale already.

I've also got a Gaining Grounds tournament upcoming on December 12th, at Paladin Games in Orlando.  Don't tell them, but I'm planning to play Lucius in every game, for the TOMB3.  I won't be playing with only models for the Tale, but I'll be using the tournament to get some good experience with Lucius and see what other models I like with him.  I'm hoping to build up some proxies this week (Changelings and Corrupted Hounds, maybe the Mysterious Emmisary) specifically for the tournament, so I'll post those here too.  Maybe I'll even do a full tournament report, who knows (it'll likely depend on how interesting the games are and how successful I am).

Thursday, December 3, 2015


November update, part 2:

Started and finished both Bloodwretches tonight!  Booyah!

Bloodwretch #1

Bloodwretch #2

The pair!

I haven't sealed them yet, but soon!

Posting from the future! Kinda!

So technically we get the latest update for our crews on the first Monday of each month, which means that this is totally still a November post.  Right?  Right.  I'll take it.

Anyways,  I recently adopted a cat that has taken up waaaay lots of my painting time with playing and neatening up and other non-painting activities.  However, I have recently allowed him to start being in my office when I'm in there, which means I'm back to painting!  Have I done any yet?  Not Malifaux stuff!  But I plan to, and I've done a whole lot of assembly recently.

For November, I've got $35 to spend or keep.  What am I going to add to my crew?  More Minions.   Part of the Malifaux Starter Box, which is an awesome buy.  Assuming that all mini's are equal, each of the 8 from that box set is $8.25.  I'll buy 2 Bloodwretches for $16.50.  That leaves me with 18.50 to spend.  For the time being, I'll leave it unspent and keep it for next month, December.

I'm strongly considering a heavy hitter for next month, maybe a Teddy or the Hooded Rider.  I've also got a Tuco proxy ready for paint, so maybe some shooting action; to that end, I've got Angel-Eyes and the Scion of Black Blood available and ready too.  So many choices!

My intention is to do some painting tonight, and get some progress made on these minis.  If so, I'll update with some pictures.

{Updated Pictures go here someday}

Status as of end of November:
Lucius:  Partially painted.
Scribe:  Unsure if I intent to use him or not.
Guild Guard 1:  Partially painted.
Guild Guard 2:  Partially painted.
Lawyer 1: Partially painted.
Lawyer 2:  Not planning to use, no intention to paint unless all other minis for the TOMB3 are done.
Dashel:  Not planning to use, no intention to paint unless all other minis for the TOMB3 are done.
Bloodwretch 1:  Primed and ready for paint.
Bloodwretch 2:  Primed and ready for paint.


Also note, the curse of too many games:  I'm also trying to determine a pair of Cygnar lists for a War Machine tournament in March, where I have sworn to be fully painted.  I am not fully painted.  So I'll be juggling that with the TOMB3, and hopefully succeeding all around!  Stay tuned!