Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Not abandoned! Just busy!

I have not abandoned this poor, neglected blog!  I've just been busy with playing the games, painting the minis and working rather than writing about any of it.  I swear!

Here's the status of the various things:

Loving Cygnar in Mark III WMH.  Just won a small tournament after completing a Journeyman League.  Haley2 is still strong, shock I know.

More importantly, I'm still painting Cygnar models.  I'm currently at 322/536 points painted, and still going strong.  I just completed a pair of Trench Busters, one of which was a test of a new primer...not a successful test, sadly so I'll be sticking with Duplicolor Sandable Black/White.  My goal is to keep moving towards that moving "fully painted" target for this army.  Maybe I'll stop buying to stop the goal from moving so much....but not likely.

Guild Ball:  
Still playing Alchemists, still haven't finished painting my Alchemists.  I have 9 painted models (7 Alchemists, 2 Union), so I have a playable team, but Katalyst and Smoke are still on the painting table, at 90% and 50% completed, respectively.  I have finished probably a dozen other models since I started Katalyst and just can't seem to get any progress done on him.  Naja just joined the assembled club the other night, and had his first outing on the pitch.

Also, I'll be running the Guild Ball events at Crucible 2017 in sunny Orlando, Florida!  Check back for more details or find The Crucible on Facebook!

Very sadly, haven't touched it since March or so.  Want to, have the stuff and want to play, but not a big group locally.  May go to a tournament on this coming Saturday, but not sure.  Not giving up on it.

Board Games;
Mansions of Madness;  Love it.  Played it twice now, great app-integration, fairly smooth running game.
Legendary:  Doesn't matter what IP you slap on it, basic Legendary doesn't do it for me.  Shame that they wasted Big Trouble in Little China on this POS game.  Legendary Encounters games are at least interesting and not competitive.
A Game of Thrones LCG:  Still enjoying the game, trying to keep the local scene going.

Expect more posts, maybe not soon, but maybe soon.  Very decisive, I know.  Maybe just some picture posts.