Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Almost the end of December...ALMOST!

The end of the year is upon us, and with it, the end of month 3 of TOMB3.

So far this month, I've put more paint on Lucius and his Lawyer friend, started the Puke Snake  Primordial Magic and an Illuminated (who will be subtracted from my remaining total in an upcoming post), and finished the Scion of Black Blood.  I've also done some assembly for models to be painted in January for the TOMB3.

I've also played a few games with Lucius, and haven't figured him out yet.  I'm not losing by a lot, but I definitely need more practice.  In general, I need to play more.  Which leads to....

I've signed up to play in a Shifting Loyalties league, a format that doesn't seem like it'll suit my Lucius crew well.  I'm considering playing a Brilliance-heavy crew (The Honey Pot Expansion Expedition), led by the Hungering Darkness itself.  Math to be done, and I'm contemplating attempting to paint the crew as I go.  A second painting project that will likely have some crossover with the TOMB!  Woot!

Most importantly, I'm done with work for the year,  I plan to paint a bit tonight, and likely more tomorrow and the next day.  That's why this is an almost-end-of-the-month-post;  because the month ain't over yet!

I'll post an end-of-month TOMB3 update in the next day or two, after I'm done painting for the year.  Not just the TOMB3 stuff, but a full update.  With pictures probably.  I'm kinda proud at the amount of painting I've gotten done this year.  Waaay more than previous years.  Will I keep it up, and carry it forward?  You bet!

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